Daou Systems


Founded in 1996, Daou Systems was a publicly-traded, leading healthcare information technology company serving the provider, payer, and government sectors (VA and DOD) with infrastructure, call center, staff augmentation, and a deep portfolio of professional services. Daou grew rapidly through several acquisitions. (Acquired by Proxicom in 2005.)


Daou acquired but did not fully integrate its acquisitions. Sales and Marketing functions were divisionally-based, and the intended “power of the whole” was not realized. Bearing the name of its founders; no one knew how to pronounce “Daou.” The goal of centralizing corporate functions, and presenting an integrated portfolio of services in each of its three markets had not yet been realized.


Recognizing the considerable brand equity in the name, the first step was to help buyers see a fully dimensional brand – and know how to pronounce it! By linking the name with a succinct tag line: Daou, the know-how company, we made it easy for buyers to link “Daou” with “know how,” giving the Sales and Marketing teams a strong onramp to present the Company’s capabilities and expertise in each of its markets.

By modernizing Daou’s corporate identity, and simplifying its product and service portfolio, we were able to raise its profile in healthcare information technology publications, as well as in each of its market sectors. With a new website, integrated public relations and advertising, along with value-driven sales and marketing collateral, Daou’s market profile expanded and sales increased.

Partners: Char Baxter Communications

